Your ultimate calling is to have your heart conformed into the image of Christ. This means that you are willfully processed by God, resulting in fruitful prayer life and relationship with Christ. (Rom 8:29, Luke 10:27)
You take responsibility to give your very best in service for God with love and humility. Mature sons and daughters take responsibility when managing the affairs of their Heavenly Father and bring significance into their everyday work. (Col 3:23-24, Mat 25)
Self Government
The fruit of self-control is essential to govern yourself, your environment and your nation. (1 Cor 9:25-27)
Continuous Improvement
Jesus instructed us to renew our minds in the word of God daily. This means we are commanded to keep a teacheable spirit for continuous learning in all areas of your life, allowing sustainable growth. This will position you to add value to others. (3 John 1:2)
Compassion of All
Compassion, love and forgiveness are vital for development of all saints. The past is behind us and we are looking towards the future, ushering all prodigal children back to the Father because everyone matters. (Phil 3:13)
You are all called to be leaders in the body of Christ. Regardless of your past, the moment you follow Christ you must walk in integrity and honour to yourself and others. Lead with integrity in word and dead. People are watching you. (1 Peter 3:10-12)
Passion for Destiny
Serve whole heartedly with all your heart and mind to transform lives and the nation. Service is not imposed on, but an expression of love to God because He loved us first. (Ecc 3:11)